Wystawa fotografii otworkowej w Portugalii

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Wystawa fotografii otworkowej w Portugalii

Post autor: zladygin »

Przesyłam wiadomość, jaką dostałem od Witka Englendera z OFFO.
Może wziąć udział każdy! No, prawie...

Wystawa w Portugalii, krótki termin - do 12.X. Prace wysyłamy mailem, dokładny regulamin po portugalsku i angielsku jest niżej. wystawa jest bezpłatna, ale...
Grupa Trzymająca OFFO

Friends of pinhole photography, don't forget to send your work to the open call MIRA PINHOLE PHOTOGRAPHY 2022 (Porto, Portugal). See the guidelines...

Best regards

Adelino Marques

MPP 2022 - MIRA Pinhole Photography 2022 | OPEN CALL
Shooting with lenless camera or without refractory lenses, in addition to being a permanent challenge to the photographic gaze, has managed to bring together, in their practice, more and more photographers, not only looking for the plastic potential of the process, but essentially rendered to its magic and very particular aesthetic.
Thus, it is intended with this Open Call, presented by MIRA FORUM gallery, to bring together a significant number of photographs taken with pinhole cameras, built, adapted or purchased, using any sensitive material, analog or digital and that, somehow, are representative of this photographic technique so inspiring as private.
• Can participate all the authors, with more than 16 years old, who use to photograph with pinhole cameras.
• Candidates may submit up to 3 images. There is no specific theme.
• Cannot be presented works whose copyrights are not fully and without exception property of the participant.
• Images should be sent up to 23:59 of the 12 october
• There is no registration cost. Participation is free of charge.
• To support the expenses (printing, framing, assembly, communication and assistance to the room) of the final exhibition of the photographs selected by the organizing committee, each author will be asked to pay a fee of 30 euros (33 USD).
• All images should be taken with pinhole cameras.
• The photographs must be sent in a single email (a maximum of three photographs) to emaildomiraforum@gmail.com
• Are only accepted the photographs submitted as an attachment in the e-mail.
Will only be evaluated the images with the following requirements:
Format: jpeg;
Minimum size: 1000 pixels on the longest side;
File size: larger than 100 KB and less than 7 MB.
Will not be accepted the images:
that are part of the body of the e-mail;
including signatures, watermarks or frames.
• Label each file with first and last name, followed by stroke and image number.
Exemple: JoeSilva_01; JoeSilva_02; JoeSilva_03
• Use only alpha-numeric characters (do not use: .: "/?} {()[ ]+-=*&^ %$#@!.).
• After sending, each participant will receive an email confirming the submission.
The organization is not responsible for any computer system overloads of the platform
• Submissions will not be returned. Only the selected entries will be stored for the purposes of disclosure.
• MIRA PP 2022 is not responsible for any failure and/or loss of the submission.
5. Organizing Committee
• The Organizing Committee is composed of 5 elements - Adelino Marques, António Martins Teixeira, Augusto Lemos, João Lafuente e Rui Apolinário - that will make the selection of works for the exhibition.
• The decision of the organizing committee will not be appealed.
• All rights of the images belong to the participants. Any image used by MIRA PP will be identified with their respective copyright credits. It may be included in publications and/or disclosure.
The exhibition of Porto Pinhole Photography will consist of printed and framed photographs. A projection with selected photographs will be an integral part of the show that inaugurates on 29 october by the 16:00 in the MIRA FORUM Gallery. The exhibition, which is part of the MIP - Porto Image Month 2021 - will be open until 23 december.